Thursday, June 28, 2012

Culture Class

Despite all the pictures I post of my travels, I'm actually in a classroom the majority of the week. All NSETs are contracted to work 22 class hours per week during the allotted 8:40am-4:40pm work hours, myself included. And while every teacher's school/experience and class schedule is different, I normally work with grades 3-6 two times a week.  This past month, I was asked to give a special presentation for 2nd graders about the US. Here are a few pictures from those classes.

Started out with a quiz to see what the kids know about the USA.  One class picked (D) Will Smith as the American president!

Eager 2nd graders with all the answers!
One girl pointing out our national bird on the back of the US dollar.
Checking out US money.
Teaching them how to line dance to Cotton Eyed Joe :)

Silently coloring their own US flags into their minibooks.
I had such a great time preparing for and giving these classes, I wish every day could be as fun!

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